Sound On Sound: The Ultimate Mic Comparison

SOS Editor in Chief, Sam Inglis, grills ATK about the technical challenges faced and creative solutions required to capture hundreds of microphones in what Sound On Sound describes as a “perfectly repeatable manner.”

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Watch the video, shot at Chris Lord-Alge’s Mix LA studio, as Sam digs his fork into the recipe that created the world’s first unbiased microphone sound comparison showroom with mouth watering questions like…

How did ATK approach the problem of recording vocals? 

What was the role of Harman scientists, robots, and lasers? 

Why was Chris Lord-Alge interested in helping Audio Test Kitchen? 


When you're buying studio gear, even small differences can be crucial. But without trying them all, how can you know which microphone is right for you? To solve this problem, Alex Oana and Ian Hlatky set up Audio Test Kitchen: the most ambitious audio comparison project ever undertaken. In this month's feature video, Alex and Ian explain how they put precision measurements, anechoic chambers and lasers to work to help us choose microphones! – Sam Inglis, Editor in Chief, Sound On Sound

Sound On Sound, based in Cambridge, United Kingdom, is arguably the world’s premier music technology magazine. Dedicated to product tests of electronic musical performance and recording devices, and interviews with industry professionals, their noses perked up when they caught the scent of savory standardized microphone comparisons coming from the Audio Test Kitchen.


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