Produce Like a Pro - Testing 300 Mics Instantly with Audio Test Kitchen

Can Warren Huart correctly identify 4 microphones in a ‘Blind Taste Test??’

How does ATK's ’Stacked Effect’ give hearing superpowers to microphone shoppers?

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If you’ve ever tried to buy a microphone online without hearing it first or have searched for sound examples on YouTube, then you know how frustrating it is to make a confident decision you won’t regret. Why are some microphones so expensive and some so cheap/affordable? When does it make a difference and what do you do if you hear very little difference between them? Warren and ATK founder/creator Alex Oana answer these questions and reveal how to get the most out of using the app whether monitoring in headphones or speakers. In this video you’ll see how Warren Huart uses Audio Test Kitchen to make confident decisions about microphones at any price range.


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